India's Largest Study Abroad Funding Expo (SAFE) 2025

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India's Largest Study Abroad Funding Expo (SAFE) 2025

  • Exclusive seminar on applying to 26000+ Scholarships
  • Instant Education Loan Pre-approval letter with India's Lowest Interest Rate
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We know all the thoughts that cross your mind when you are thinking about the main factors to study abroad. . Its not very easy on a personal level to take such a decision on one go. There are multiple factors, major as well as minor reasons to put you on a thought about re considering your choice of study abroad. Lets put your doubts on rest and wear a smile on that face. Here we go:

Reasons to study abroad

1. Language

Are you going to be studying a language in a particular country? If not, will you be comfortable in a country where English isn’t the native language? It’s not impossible, and if you’re determined to go to a non-English-speaking country, and are confident in your ability to communicate and find your way, by all means, go for it. 

See More: Why learning a foreign language is awesome

2. Type of Program

Does your school have the type of program you are looking for? Is there a possibility you might have to go through an independent program? Are you comfortable participating in a program where you won’t know any other students? Which programs can you afford? And how will you take care of tuition costs?

See More: Why should you be studying abroad?

3. Major requirements

Will you be able to complete any major requirements while abroad? Will your degree progress suffer if you can’t? Will your credits transfer either way? On a different note, many students find that certain classes they take abroad are relatively easy when compared to the same class back in the U.S. 

See More: Vidhya Ramaswamy speaks out her experiences at University of Florida

4. Weather

This one’s pretty easy. What type of climate do you want to live in? If your idea of being abroad is on a beach under palm trees, then Moscow probably isn’t for you. 

See More: 6 important points you should know while applying to Canadian Universities

5. Living Situation

Do you want to live with a host family or in a dorm? There are positives and negatives to both. In a dorm, you are more likely to interact with people your age, who going through the same adjustment you’re going through, and can therefore relate with you on a greater level. In most dorms, there’s no curfew, and living in a dorm requires you to be much more independent. If you’re studying a language, living with a host family will vastly increase the amount of interactive situations in which you’ll speak that language. There’s also a greater possibility that you’ll experience more local culture first-hand. 

See More: Crucial tips for earning and saving money while studying in Germany 

6. Local Life

Do you want to study abroad in a big city or small town? What is the campus like? Are there any famous landmarks, sights, or tourist attractions close by that you’d like to visit? How’s the night life? What is there to do when you’re not in class? 

See More: 5 basic points to consider if planning to study in Europe 

7. Travel

How close will you be to an airport? Are there low cost airlines flying out of those airports? Are you close to countries/cities you want to visit? How long will it take you to travel to different locations? 

See More: Unforgettable student experiences of Holland

8. Food

Do you like the food common in that country? Can you get by on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? While shouldn’t be the deciding factor, I would go somewhere where you can appreciate local cuisine as it’s definitely a big part of the overall immersion experience. 

Talk to people from your school or just people that you know that have been there before and ask their opinion. They’ll probably be very happy to share their experience. The most important thing is to go with your gut feeling. for an instance, If this is a place that you’ve wanted to go since you were 9 years old, then go. Do the research to be sure you know what you’re getting into, and you should be fine.