Education Loan Tax 80E Rebate Calculator

Most accurate calculator for section 80E education loan income Tax exemption

The easiest and the quickest way to calculate your education loan income tax benefits as per the latest budget.

  • How long is your course (in months)

  • Total Loan Amount

  • Rate of interest for the loan (in %)

  • Will you be paying anything during the moratorium period (course duration plus the grace period)?

  • PSI
    Maximum Possible PSI: 0

  • Grace Period: How many months after your course you will start paying EMI?

  • After the grace period, in how many years you will repay the education loan?

  • Net Taxable income of the applicant or co-applicant after deduction of all other exemptions except 80E


Amount you save: ₹0

The amount you save if you opt for the 80(E) tax benefits when repaying for years

Effective ROI: 0 %

This will be the actual rate of interest you will be paying on your loan instead of 8.5%

Know which all lenders provide the 80E tax benefits.

Speak to the WeMakeScholars team

WeMakeScholars is an organisation funded and supported by the Govt of India for free and genuine advice on education loans.

Assumptions and logics for calculations

Income slab Tax
Upto 2.5 lacs Nil
2.5 to 5 lacs 5% of (Total income minus Rs 2,50,000) + 4% cess
5 to 10 lacs Rs 12,500 + 20% of (Total income minus Rs 5,00,000) + 4% cess
Above 10 lacs Rs 1,12,500 + 30% of (Total income minus Rs 10,00,000) + 4% cess

Few numbers for your understanding of the above mentioned results:

Your average interest portion per year on your Education Loan: 0

Your tax to be paid without exemption: 0

Your tax to be paid after exemption: : 0