What is SGPA? How to Convert & Calculate SGPA to Percentage & CGPA?

✓ Methods of Calculating SGPA, CGPA

✓ Differences Between SGPA and CGPA and GPA

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Table of content

  1. What is the full form and meaning of SGPA
  2. How to calculate SGPA
  3. What is the full form and meaning of CGPA
  4. How to calculate CGPA
  5. Difference between SGPA and CGPA and GPA
  6. Common Terms used for CGPA to Percentage Calculation
  7. How to convert CGPA into Percentage
  8. SGPA to Percentage Conversion
  9. SGPA to CGPA Conversion Formula
  10. How to Convert 10 Point CGPA To 4 Point GPA
  11. FAQ's
  12. Need Help? Ask Here!

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on SGPA. As a student, you might have come across this term in your academic journey and wondered what it means. In this blog post, we will understand the concept of SGPA and provide step-by-step instructions on how to convert and calculate SGPA to percentage and CGPA.

We will walk you through the conversion process, ensuring that you can confidently interpret your grades in percentage and CGPA formats. Whether you're a student looking to understand the significance of SGPA or someone seeking to calculate and convert SGPA accurately, this blog post has got you covered.

Pointer 1

What is the full form and meaning of SGPA

SGPA, which stands for Semester Grade Point Average, is a crucial component of the grading system used in most educational institutions. It provides a quantitative representation of a student's academic performance during a specific semester.

  • SGPA serves as a universally recognized indicator of academic accomplishment for a given semester. 
  • It involves assigning grade points to individual courses based on the student's grades and credit hours.
  • Letter grades, such as A, B, C, etc., are commonly used, with each grade corresponding to a specific grade point.
  • For example, an A grade would be assigned a grade point of 9, while a B grade would be assigned a grade point of 7.
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How to calculate SGPA

To assess your performance and your academic achievements in a particular semester or year, it is essential to calculate your SGPA. Let's explore a simple and effective method to calculate SGPA:

Step 1: Gather the Required Information

  • Before diving into the calculation part, let's gather the necessary information required to calculate your SGPA:
  • Note the credit points allotted to each subject.
  • Record the grades you have obtained for each subject.

Step 2: Assign Grade Points

  • Refer to the grade points table to assign grade points to your grades. 
Grade Grade Point
Outstanding (O) Grade Point: 10
Excellent (A+) Grade Point: 9
Very Good (A) Grade Point: 8
Good (B+) Grade Point: 7
Above Average (B) Grade Point: 6
Average (C+) Grade Point: 5
Pass (P) Grade Point: 4
Fail (F) Grade Point: 0

Step 3: Calculate Subject-wise Score

  • Multiply the grade points assigned to each subject by the respective subject's credit points. This will give you the subject-wise score.

Step 4: Find the Total Credit Points

  • Sum up all the credit points assigned to the subjects you have appeared for. This will give you the total credit points.

Step 5: Calculate the Total Score

  • Add up the subject-wise scores obtained in Step 3. This will give you the total score.

Step 6: Determine SGPA

  • To calculate SGPA, divide the total score obtained in Step 5 by the total credit points determined in Step 4. The result will be your SGPA for that particular semester.

For a better understanding, let's consider an example semester with 4 subjects:

Subject  Credit Point Grade 
Subject 1 Credit Points - 3 Grade - A
Subject 2 Credit Points - 4 Grade - O
Subject 3 Credit Points - 3 Grade - B
Grade - B Credit Points - 5 Grade - A+

Following the above steps:

  • Subject 1 score: 8 (Grade Point) x 3 (Credit Points) = 24
  • Subject 2 score: 10 x 4 = 40
  • Subject 3 score: 6 x 3 = 18
  • Subject 4 score: 9 x 5 = 45

Total credit points: 3 + 4 + 3 + 5 = 15

Total score: 24 + 40 + 18 + 45 = 127

SGPA = Total score / Total credit points = 127 / 15 ≈ 8.44

By following these steps, you can easily calculate your SGPA and have a clear understanding of your academic performance for a particular semester.

Pointer 1

What is the full form and meaning of CGPA

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. Unlike the SGPA, which represents the performance of a single semester, the CGPA reflects the overall academic performance of a student throughout their entire academic program. The CGPA is calculated by considering the SGPA of each semester and assigning weightage to each semester based on the credit hours. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of a student's academic progress over time.

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How to calculate CGPA

In addition to SGPA, another important grading metric used in academic evaluation is CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). CGPA represents the cumulative average of all the SGPA values obtained across multiple semesters. Let's explore the step-by-step process to calculate CGPA:

Step 1: Gather the SGPA Values

  • Collect the SGPA values obtained for each semester throughout your academic journey. Ensure that you have the SGPA values for all completed semesters.

Step 2: Determine the Total Credit Points

  • For each semester, sum up the credit points assigned to the subjects you appeared for. This will give you the total credit points earned so far.

Step 3: Calculate the Total Grade Points

  • Multiply each semester's SGPA by the respective semester's total credit points. Sum up all the resulting values to obtain the total grade points earned.

Step 4: Calculate the Total Credit Hours

  • Sum up the total credit points earned across all semesters. This will give you the total credit hours completed.

Step 5: Determine CGPA

  • To calculate CGPA, divide the total grade points obtained in Step 3 by the total credit hours completed in Step 4. The resulting value will be your CGPA.

For a better understanding, let's consider an example:

  • Semester 1: SGPA - 8.5, Total Credit Points - 35
  • Semester 2: SGPA - 9.0, Total Credit Points - 40
  • Semester 3: SGPA - 8.2, Total Credit Points - 42

Following the above steps:

Total credit points: 35 + 40 + 42 = 117

Total grade points: (8.5 x 35) + (9.0 x 40) + (8.2 x 42) = 851.5

Total credit hours: 35 + 40 + 42 = 117

CGPA = Total grade points / Total credit hours = 851.5 / 117 ≈ 7.28

By following these steps, you can calculate your CGPA, which provides a comprehensive view of your academic performance across multiple semesters.

Pointer 2

Difference between SGPA and CGPA and GPA

To understand the differences between SGPA, CGPA, and GPA, we must first acknowledge the working of these grading parameters in academic organizations. All these mean different things and are designed to capture different aspects of a student’s academic achievement. That is why it is possible to compare these indicators by taking into account the time interval, the method of their calculation, as well as their acceptance in academic evaluation. Let's take closer look at the differences and similarities between the three:

Time Span Represents a single semester's performance Reflects cumulative performance over time Can refer to either SGPA or CGPA depending on context
Calculating Characteristics Calculated based on grades and credit points of a specific semester Calculated by weighting SGPA of each semester based on credit points Can be calculated based on various methods such as weighted average or credit hours
Acceptance Typically used internally within institutions for evaluation purposes Widely accepted for academic achievement, scholarships, and program eligibility Commonly used for general evaluation and comparison purposes
Scope Limited to a specific semester Encompasses the entire academic program Can be specific to a set of courses or overall performance
Comprehensive Evaluation Provides insights into semester-wise performance Offers a holistic view of academic progress Depends on the context and scope of GPA calculation
Calculation Frequency Calculated at the end of each semester Calculated periodically or at program completion Varies based on the purpose and context
Applicability to Courses Calculated for specific courses within a semester May include courses from different semesters Can be calculated for individual courses or overall performance
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Common Terms used for CGPA to Percentage Calculation

When converting CGPA to a percentage, several common terms and concepts come into play, allowing for an accurate interpretation of academic grades. Understanding these terms is crucial for students and institutions. Let's explore the key terms used in CGPA to percentage calculation:

  • Semester: A semester represents a specific period of academic study, typically lasting 6 months. It is a unit of time within which students complete a set of courses. For a one year course, it usually consists of 2 semesters.
  • Grade Points: Grade points are numerical values assigned to letter grades. Each letter grade corresponds to a specific grade point. For instance, an A grade might be assigned a grade point of 10, while a B grade could have a grade point of 8. These grade points provide a standardized representation of a student's performance in a particular course. They can differ from institution to institution.
  • Credit Points: Credit points represent the weightage assigned to each course based on its credit hours. Credit points are calculated by multiplying the grade points earned in a course by its credit hours. They reflect the effort and time required to complete a specific course.
  • Cumulative Credit Points: Cumulative credit points are the sum of all credit points earned by a student across different semesters. It represents the total weightage accumulated based on their grades and credit hours.
  • Cumulative Grade Points: Cumulative grade points are the sum of all grade points earned by a student across different semesters. They reflect the overall performance throughout their academic program.
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How to convert CGPA into Percentage

Converting CGPA to a percentage scale provides a familiar and widely understood format to evaluate your academic performance. It is particularly useful when applying for jobs, higher education programs, or scholarships that require a percentage-based evaluation. To convert your CGPA to a percentage, the following steps can be followed:

Step 1: Understand the Maximum CGPA Scale

  • First, determine the maximum CGPA scale used in your university. In most Indian universities, the maximum CGPA is 10. This serves as the basis for converting CGPA to a percentage.

Step 2: Identify the Conversion Formula

  • In Indian universities, a common conversion formula is used to convert CGPA to a percentage. The formula is as follows:

FORMULA- Percentage = CGPA * 9.5 : 

Step 3: Calculate the Percentage

  • To calculate the percentage equivalent of your CGPA, multiply your CGPA by 9.5. The resulting value will be your converted percentage.
  • For example, let's assume your CGPA is 7.28:
  • Percentage = 7.28 * 9.5
  • Percentage ≈ 69.16%

Therefore, if your CGPA is 7.28, your equivalent percentage according to the Indian university standard would be approximately 69.16%.

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SGPA to Percentage Conversion

Converting SGPA to a percentage allows students to have a more comprehensive understanding of their performance in a particular semester. There are different conversion formulas used by institutions, and two commonly used formulas are:

  1. Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) * 10
  2. Percentage = (SGPA * 10) - 7.5

Let's explore these formulas in detail:

Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) * 10

In this formula, the SGPA is subtracted by 0.75 and then multiplied by 10 to obtain the equivalent percentage. The constant value of 0.75 is subtracted to align the grading scale with the percentage scale.

For example, if a student has an SGPA of 8.5, the calculation would be:

Percentage = (8.5 - 0.75) * 10
= 7.75 * 10
= 77.5%

Percentage = (SGPA * 10) - 7.5

This formula involves multiplying the SGPA by 10 and then subtracting a constant value of 7.5. The constant value is subtracted to align the grading scale with the percentage scale.

Using the same SGPA of 8.5 as an example, the calculation would be:

Percentage = (8.5 * 10) - 7.5
= 85 - 7.5
= 77.5%

Both formulas yield the same result, showcasing the equivalent percentage for the given SGPA.

It's important to note that these conversion formulas might vary across institutions. Therefore, students should always consult their institution's guidelines or academic policies to ensure accurate conversion.

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SGPA to CGPA Conversion Formula

Converting SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) to CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) allows you to obtain an overall measure of your academic performance across multiple semesters. The conversion process is straightforward and can be done using a simple formula. Let's explore the step-by-step guide on how to convert SGPA to CGPA:

Step 1: Gather SGPA Values

  • Collect the SGPA values for each semester that you want to include in the CGPA calculation. Ensure you have the SGPA values for all the semesters you want to consider.

Step 2: Calculate the Total Sum of SGPA

  • Sum up all the SGPA values obtained in Step 1. This will give you the total sum of the SGPA values.

Step 3: Determine the Total Number of Semesters

  • Count the number of semesters included in the SGPA calculation. This will give you the total number of semesters.

Step 4: Apply the Conversion Formula

  • Use the following formula to convert SGPA to CGPA:
  • CGPA = Total sum of SGPA / Total number of semesters

Step 5: Calculate CGPA

  • Divide the total sum of SGPA obtained in Step 2 by the total number of semesters determined in Step 3. The resulting value will be your CGPA.
  • For a better understanding, let's consider an example
  • Semester 1 SGPA: 8.5
  • Semester 2 SGPA: 9.0
  • Semester 3 SGPA: 8.2

Following the above steps:

  • Total sum of SGPA: 8.5 + 9.0 + 8.2 = 25.7
  • Total number of semesters: 3

CGPA = Total sum of SGPA / Total number of semesters = 25.7 / 3 ≈ 8.57


How to Convert 10 Point CGPA To 4 Point GPA

The most common issue that international students encounter is with the GPA conversion—so how do you get from a 10.0 scale to a 4.0 scale? A CGPA of 10 is used in India to evaluate academic achievement. Whereas, in the USA, you must submit the results within a range of a 4-point GPA scale. By using this scale the US universities can determine whether your test results meet the grade requirements mentioned during the admissions process.

How to Convert 10.0 CGPA To 4.0 GPA?

The simple formula to convert the 10.0 Indian CGPA to 4.0 US GPA is to divide your CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA (usually 10) and then multiply by 4. This will give you the equivalent US GPA on a 4.0 scale.

To give you a better overview, here is a table showcasing estimated conversions of CGPA 1-10 to GPA:

10 Point CGPA Approximate 4 Point GPA USA Grade Approximate
1.0 0.4 F
2.0 0.8 F
3.0 1.2 F
4.0 1.6 D
5.0 2.0 C
6.0 2.4 C
7.0 2.8 B
8.0 3.2 B
9.0 3.6 A
10.0 4.0 A

Note: Ideally students aren't supposed to be conducting the 10-point CGPA to 4-point CGPA conversion process. The university personnels conduct it. However, it is always good to have an understanding of how the CGPA to GPA conversion process is done. It gives you better insights into where your academic performance stands, especially on the USA 4-point grading scale.


  • How do I calculate SGPA?

  • How do I calculate CGPA?

  • How do I convert SGPA to a percentage?

  • How do I convert SGPA to CGPA?

  • How do I convert CGPA into a percentage?

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