India's Largest Study Abroad Funding Expo (SAFE) 2025

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India's Largest Study Abroad Funding Expo (SAFE) 2025

  • Exclusive seminar on applying to 26000+ Scholarships
  • Instant Education Loan Pre-approval letter with India's Lowest Interest Rate
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As a student, going for your higher education abroad is undoubtedly a remarkable opportunity that shapes your personality personally and professionally!

But as you migrate to a foreign country, you realize that the transition may not be as easy as it seems. You often surround yourself with everyday challenges that can make you a little discouraged for a while.

Worry not! It is just a matter of time. And before you could even know it, you will be happily settled in your host country. So, to make this transition process seamless, we have curated this article where you can find solutions to the five most common types of issues every international student endures.

1. Dealing with Culture Shock

Many international students struggle to fit into their new culture and end up feeling like outsiders. It is referred to as culture shock, common among the younger population who migrate to an unknown location.

The culture of your host country may be partly or entirely different from your new country’s. You often find yourself trying to connect with your new country’s customs, ethos, and traditions. Moreover, you might initially feel awkward attending a social event, community program, local celebrations, etc.

What should you do?

We comprehend how challenging it is to absorb a new culture entirely different from yours. But you must learn that it is not impossible to fit in with the natives! Take note of these simple yet beneficial tips to overcome your culture shock:

  • Research your host country thoroughly before arriving there to have a rough idea of what you can expect.
  • Be curious and be willing to adjust to your new surroundings and the local people.
  • Please make an effort to talk to the locals, and don’t hesitate to ask for their assistance.
  • In most cases, local people would like to help foreign people, especially those who go one step ahead to learn about their culture respectfully.

2. Facing Language Barrier

Languages are an excellent source for conveying ideas, thoughts, and emotions. But it becomes a hurdle when you move into a foreign land where a different language is widely spoken. Even if you are well-acquainted with the language, such as the English language, you might have trouble understanding the strong native accents and local slang.

What should you do?

You do not want to scratch your head trying to decipher a joke or slang or even struggling to form correct sentences while still in a conversation with others in your host country. None of the scenarios is very pleasing, but don’t worry! You don’t have to feel shy, intimidated, or embarrassed. Instead, try practicing your speech with natives as much as you can.

For that purpose, you can join special sessions and workshops for international students organized by many universities abroad to enhance their language skills. Besides, you must try to learn the language on your own. You can even ask your university professors, peers, and your neighbors for their guidance.

3. Fighting Homesickness

It is natural to go through the feelings of homesickness when you move to an unfamiliar setting. The longing to meet your loved ones in the early days of your migration is something that almost all international students go through. However, the intensity varies as some students quickly overcome their homesickness in about days or weeks, whereas others can even take months!

What should you do?

We understand you might contemplate missing the mandatory family dinner on Saturdays or going out with your friends after school. But you must understand that nothing good will ever come if you keep dwelling on your life back home. Instead, try to make your life more enjoyable in your host country.

All you should do is get out of your comfort zone and deal with every challenge that life throws at you with optimism. And that way, you can quickly overcome any hurdle, be it your homesickness!

4. Financial Limitations

We all know that studying abroad is a costly affair due to ever-increasing tuition fees, cost of living, study resources, student housing, and trips, among other expenses. You need to constantly keep a check on your finances to avoid going broke before the month ends.

What should you do?

Taking a short vacation to a foreign land is often feasible. But if you are going for a prolonged period like your study abroad trip, you need to plan how to spend and save money wisely while also searching for ways to earn some extra cash.

Follow these handy tips for managing your money better!

  • To save money, you should make a monthly budget plan and adhere to it as much as possible. Also, spend your money on only necessary items, not luxury ones. However, you can indulge every once in a while in things like college trips, parties, and birthdays.
  • To earn money, you must get employed in internships and part-time jobs. Some universities and colleges hire students to work in special events. If you wish to work for such roles, you must regularly check with your university for any upcoming events or programs.

5. Finding Suitable Student Accommodation

Finding safe and budget-friendly accommodation in an unknown location is often stressful and challenging. Since you are unfamiliar with your surroundings, you are often at risk of housing fraud, high rents, etc. You must be very careful when choosing your student housing as it will be your home for at least a semester.

What should you do?

First and foremost, if you don’t want to miss out on good properties, you should start your house-hunting right from the moment you get your acceptance letter. You can choose to go for either on-campus accommodation or off-campus accommodation.

However, off-campus accommodation is more popular amongst cross-border students. They are generally located near major universities and include incredible amenities like a gym, study spaces, fast internet, etc., which are inclusive of bills!